2011 Baby Count

February 16 - one ram lamb to Dorothy
February 13 - one ewe lamb, one ram lamb to Emma
January 29 - twin ewe lambs, to Mabel
January 5 - one ewe lamb, Flora, (bottle fed) to Cathy Gale

Monday, July 26, 2010

So bloomin' busy!

I'm trying to keep up, myself. We went with Girl Scouts out West this June (troop1156@blogspot.com) and I've been trying to make up those two weeks ever since we got back. There was a lot of rain in June, which is great for the garden, pastures and bees, but July's been pretty dry. Our animals are doing all right, but only because we have plenty of pasture and woods for them to forage around. One farmer said today that if it doesn't rain soon, they will have to start feeding hay to their cattle.

With heat indexes over 100°F just about every day for the past month, doing anything is hot, sweaty work. But we are making slow progress. Charles and Joe Kramer started clearing for new fencing the first week in July and we finally finished it and put animals on the correct side of the fence two weeks ago. So far, four of my eight males are where they're supposed to me (although that could change at any minute). I'm still working on that. Of the four "Good Goats" one of them is a replacement ram. We brought "Lurch" home last Wednesday and he seems quite happy with Belt, Spot and Flint. Lurch is a Jacobs/Dorper cross, and comes to us from the same farm that we got Cousin It from a couple years ago. For those of you who don't remember, Cousin It starred in Christmas Eve dinner, because he couldn't keep his horns to himself.

The house is also moving slowly along. The crawl space is now framed out, and we have to put down a moisture barrier before we can put on the metal siding. I can't wait until my house turns red. Along with the completed siding, we will also install the soffit and woodburning stove chimney, while we have the big manlift on site. My fingers are crossed that the metal will start going up this weekend.