2011 Baby Count

February 16 - one ram lamb to Dorothy
February 13 - one ewe lamb, one ram lamb to Emma
January 29 - twin ewe lambs, to Mabel
January 5 - one ewe lamb, Flora, (bottle fed) to Cathy Gale

Friday, August 28, 2009

House Progress!

This week my Uncle Tom (Dad's middle brother) came to visit for a couple days, and brought his hammer with him. He and Charles just worked and worked and worked. They finished some beams, some sub-floor, some upstairs floor joists and some walls. They got the next load of lumber delivered and unloaded. And I hardly had to do anything! I told Uncle Tom he was welcome to come work on the house any time.

The wall for our front French doors is now in place, and a new set of concrete block steps. Now we can enter the house through a doorway, rather than in between the frame of the bathroom wall. Sub-floor is laid in the front five rooms, and then diagonally back to the pantry. The exterior pantry wall is now in place, leaving only 6 more exterior walls.

Next week, we're expecting some dry weather, so Charles is going to do farm work and catch up on some chores that we've neglected in favor of house-building. The main chore is cutting hay for winter feeding. It's been too wet for our low-tech machinery to bale. Maybe September will be dryer than the rest of the summer.