2011 Baby Count

February 16 - one ram lamb to Dorothy
February 13 - one ewe lamb, one ram lamb to Emma
January 29 - twin ewe lambs, to Mabel
January 5 - one ewe lamb, Flora, (bottle fed) to Cathy Gale

Sunday, January 30, 2011

So much easier with moms do their part

Yesterday Charles and I went into Morganfield to rearrange the awards and photographs on the walls of my new office. It always helps to have someone with severe OCD to hang about 50 things up on one wall - it involves a laser level, measuring tapes and a lot of math.
Of course it took longer than I expected, so after grocery shopping we didn't get home until after 5pm. As we drove up the driveway, making plans to split into Charles unloading groceries while I got on with feeding my animals, I saw two new babies in the sheep field.
I noticed that Mabel was standing off a little from the others a couple days ago, which can be a sign that labor is coming. At least she waited for a nice sunny day in the mid-40's (F). Both are baby ewes - this is our first ever set of twin ewe lambs - and one of them is an unusual color for us. It's white with light brown markings. The other is mostly black with a white skullcap and white blaze in her chest. They will probably get names next week.
Mabel is doing a great job raising both of them, which is great for me, since Flora still gets two bottles a day. Flora will get bottles for about another 4 weeks.

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